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Support for PDFBlaster

PDFBlaster Word Blasts: Step 1 / 11
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PDFBlaster provides a unique capability to create integrated mail merges using Microsoft Word (2000, XP or greater) and your accounting data. We call this feature Word Blast!, and once you try it, we're sure you will agree that using Word Blast! is much easier and more intuitive than MS Word's default mail merge functionality.

In order to use PDFBlaster Wordblast! you'll first need to activate the PDFBlaster toolbar in Microsoft Word. To activate the toolbar, first click the Preferences link on the Edit Menu of the PDFBlaster Control Panel.

Please Note: in order to use Word Blast!, you'll need to defined at least one custom query using PDFBlaster. In our example, we have already created a custom query called 'Pro Series Customers' that we will use to generate a collection letter.

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